The Ins and Outs and Ups and Downs of Comprehensive Coverage in the Event of Storm Damage to Your Home and Vehicles
For the insurance policyholder, understanding your insurance coverage is always a solemn responsibility. Never more so than during the volatile months that span spring and summer. Particularly spring because we’re still on the edge of the possibility of snowy,...
The Overwhelming Joys of Moving Your Entire Life to a New Home.
Moving is not fun. If you are moving into an apartment, before you do anything, think. Usually you’ll be signing a one-year lease which means it expires the same time of year you moved in. If you don’t want to be moving in the winter now, you probably...
The Overwhelming Joys of Moving Your Entire Life to a New Home.
Moving is not fun. If you are moving into an apartment, before you do anything, think. Usually you???ll be signing a one-year lease which means it expires the same time of year you moved in. If you don???t want to be moving in the winter now, you probably won???t be...
You Can’t Spell Insurance Without “L-O-V-E”
You can’t spell “Insurance” without “L-O-V-E.” Okay, yes you can. But like Frank Sinatra once sang, “you can’t have one without the other.” They are inextricably linked. And sure, “Old Blue Eyes” wasn’t...
You Can’t Spell Insurance Without “L-O-V-E”
You can???t spell ???Insurance??? without ???L-O-V-E.??? Okay, yes you can. But like Frank Sinatra once sang, ???you can???t have one without the other.??? They are inextricably linked. And sure, ???Old Blue Eyes??? wasn???t singing about insurance, but that???s not...
Let’s Talk About Your Current Insurance Policy
If we were to ask you right now whether you know where a physical copy of your insurance policy is, could you produce it? Don’t tell us where it is. We just want to know if you’d be able to access it on demand if necessary. When a Horihan Insurance agent...