For the insurance policyholder, understanding your insurance coverage is always a solemn responsibility. Never more so than during the volatile months that span spring and summer. Particularly spring because we’re still on the edge of the possibility of snowy, icy weather. And both spring and summer because while some of us may call it baseball season, tornadoes call it tornado season. And if you’re within range of a Horihan Insurance office, you’re probably also well within range of the possibility of tornadic activity during this time (and even in the middle of December, it turns out).
Most homeowner policies will cover damage to the structure of your home in a tornado or other severe weather. The Personal Property section of a homeowner policy will account for loss of belongings caused by tornadoes, because it covers wind damage. And what are tornadoes but wind on steroids? Your homeowner policy will likely cover the expense of temporary lodging in a situation like this, should you need it.
With your auto insurance coverage, things are a little different.
Basic liability or collision auto insurance coverage may account for damage that arises from traffic mishaps, but you need Comprehensive to cover damage unleashed upon your vehicle by the forces of nature while it is sitting in your driveway, garage, or on the street. With Comprehensive, you’ll be covered for all damages – beyond your deductible – from hail, flooding, flying debris, falling tree trunks and branches, lightning, etc. Things that are out of your control, in other words. Along those lines, Comprehensive will also cover damage due to hitting an animal, vandalism, or theft of the vehicle itself, so it is well worth having for many reasons.
Back to the subject of storm damage though.
Be sure to get optional towing and rental reimbursement coverage too. It will help cover the expense of moving the vehicle to a shop, and renting a vehicle, should you need it while yours is being repaired.
If a storm is coming, to avoid some of the lesser damage that can happen to your vehicle – a large portion of auto damage claims during storms are of the lesser variety – avoid parking on or near areas where very high winds could leave your vehicle pelted by the gravel. Also avoid parking near trees or telephone poles.
Parking your vehicle out in the open leaves it susceptible to hail damage though. So basically, park indoors whenever possible. Of course, if “the big one” comes along, your vehicle is left vulnerable to damage due to collapse of the building it is parked in. In which case, if the storm is strong enough to take down your garage, your car probably wouldn’t have fared much better outside. All of this illustrates very well why the perils insurance companies agree to protect against are referred to as “risks.”
Reach out to your local Horihan Insurance office to make sure you have the coverage you need to protect your property from the perils of the stormy season, reckless drivers, and any and all things in between that can be insured against. We’re here to help.