It’s Baseball Playoff Time! So Naturally, Let’s Talk About Contract Insurance on Multi-Million-Dollar Contracts.
Are you a sports fan? Did you ever wonder how professional teams can shell out the outrageous amounts of money they do on players, when so many of them end of being injured for a part, or a large part of the term of the contract, and some of those injuries are...
How Much Life Insurance Costs and Other Fish Stories.
Don’t exaggerate. A study has shown that most people without life insurance think that term life coverage costs three to four times what the average cost really is. Younger adults are likely to go as far as five times overboard in their estimate. So we are here...
Innovations in Hail Damage Prevention
My wife and I have a garage, but for reasons beyond our control, we have had no choice but to park our car outdoors over the last several weeks. Thankfully – at least as far as our car is concerned – over that time, it has barely even rained, let alone...
Your Insurance Coverage Needs a Little “Re-Boot” Every Now and Again
We have recently added a couple of new people to our staff at Horihan Insurance, with agents D.J Mueller and Shelley Jones joining our team in the Rushford and Rochester offices, respectively. Whenever there is turnover in an insurance office, the new agent...
Walking With A Purpose
By now it is (probably?) safe to say winter is over. It’s the optimal time for taking a walk, or a bike ride, or a push if you are a wheelchair user. The snow is long gone from the paths. It’s warm enough but not unreasonably so. Even if you use an...
The Ins and Outs and Ups and Downs of Comprehensive Coverage in the Event of Storm Damage to Your Home and Vehicles
For the insurance policyholder, understanding your insurance coverage is always a solemn responsibility. Never more so than during the volatile months that span spring and summer. Particularly spring because we’re still on the edge of the possibility of snowy,...