Decluttering Your Insurance Closet

In my household, “spring cleaning” isn’t necessarily limited to springtime. It happens whenever my wife and I come to realize we need to downsize, reorganize or reinvigorate the general atmosphere of our home. During these times, my wife will often put me on closet...

Frost Quake! (“Oh, cryoseism me a river!”)

Have you ever experienced a frost quake? Also, have you ever heard of a frost quake? You may have experienced it but didn’t even know what it was. A frost quake – more technically referred to as a cryoseism – is a geological phenomenon whereby water seeps down...

Horihan For the Holidays

Doesn’t it seem like after Halloween things start swirling into an infinitely busier vortex of activity that does not let up until New Year’s Day? You just got done with making your house look all spooky, and you’ve taken the skeletons and put them back in the closet,...

Food Spoilage Insurance: When Lighting, Or Whatever That Was, Strikes.

A few weeks ago, in the middle of the night, my wife and I heard a loud boom outside our window accompanied by a flash of light. I’m not entirely clear on what happened out there, but in our home, the power went out. We’ve had power outages before which generally did...

Innovations in Hail Damage Prevention

My wife and I have a garage, but for reasons beyond our control, we have had no choice but to park our car outdoors over the last several weeks. Thankfully – at least as far as our car is concerned – over that time, it has barely even rained, let alone...

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Walking With A Purpose

By now it is (probably?) safe to say winter is over. It’s the optimal time for taking a walk, or a bike ride, or a push if you are a wheelchair user. The snow is long gone from the paths. It’s warm enough but not unreasonably so. Even if you use an...

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