Horihan Insurance Has a Proposal For You
Did you know that the word “insurance” comes from “ensurer” an archaic French term that meant “engaged to be married”? At first glance that probably seems very amusing. Because who would marry an insurance agent, right? I mean, can...
If You Build It…Protect It.
Actor Ray Liotta passed away recently at the age of 67 while we were brainstorming ideas for the next Horihan Insurance blog post, so we felt compelled to say a few words about dreams.Many remember Liotta for his portrayal of “Shoeless Joe” Jackson in the...
This Is Only A Test!…Unless It Isn’t.
Back on April 7th, we had a statewide tornado drill. It just so happened that it was the day after the emergency alarms are normally tested. It certainly didn’t help that just a few short days later we had some very real severe weather. All of this goes to...
Because We Need Another Hole in the Road Like We Need Another Hole in the Head.
Ask anyone “What does springtime mean to you?” and you’re liable to get a variety of answers. It’s baseball season. It’s wedding season. It’s wabbit season!While each of these responses are quite valid, it might as well officially...
This Raging Debate Over Umbrellas in the Winter and Other Related Issues.
Do yourself a favor. Do a Google search for “snow umbrella” when you’ve got some time. You’ll find that for years there has been a raging debate over whether it is necessary, or even socially acceptable to use an umbrella during the winter. The...
Hey, How ‘Bout a Little Love For February?!
Many consider February to be underappreciated because, weighing in at a mere 28 days, it is the shortest month. Because it was the last month of the year in the old-timey Roman calendar, one might assume it was crammed together with the scraps of what was left at the...