Get On Your Bikes and Ride!, Part 2
Our last blog post was on motorcycle safety, so we thought it would follow nicely to talk a bit about bicycling. Even more so because May is National Bike Month. There are so many reasons why regular bike rides, alone or with others, are great. Here are just a few:...
Get On Your Bikes and Ride!…After the Appropriate Preparations, I Mean.
If you’re a biker, you don’t have to tell me that your bike is like your baby. You take care of it. You know the drill for getting it ready for the coming riding season. Maybe you???ve already checked each part: each light, each mirror, checked the fuel,...
Hello Mabel, MN!
Horihan Insurance recently added a Mabel, MN branch, formerly Holland Insurance, making it our sixth location after Rushford, Winona, Rochester, Lewiston and Lanesboro. Any expanding company experiences growing pains along the way, and we are no different. But in...
The When, Why and How of Valuable Items Floater Policies
If you have a homeowner’s insurance policy, you probably understand that your policy covers the contents of your home, not just the structure. But a general homeowner’s policy has limitations on the dollar amount of coverage. Also, under a general...
Make a New Year’s Resolution Not to Underestimate the Importance of Service Line Insurance Coverage.
The New Year is a time of re-evaluation in every aspect of life. Insurance is no different. It got me thinking, what is there to know about one???s insurance coverage that too many people are just not aware of or not made aware of by their agent? It didn???t take long...
Make a New Year’s Resolution Not to Underestimate the Importance of Service Line Insurance Coverage.
The New Year is a time of re-evaluation in every aspect of life. Insurance is no different. It got me thinking, what is there to know about one’s insurance coverage that too many people are just not aware of or not made aware of by their agent? It didn’t...