With Gratitude, From Horihan Insurance.
It is no coincidence that so many Americans’ favorite holiday is Thanksgiving. That probably has a lot to do with the food (let’s be honest) and the valuable time together with family. But it clearly goes deeper. Thanksgiving holds different significance...
An Actual Deer in Your Actual Headlights.
In 2017-18, Minnesota was number seven on the list of U.S. states in likelihood of a vehicle vs. animal collision. Wisconsin and Iowa came in at #4 and #5 respectively. West Virginia is still far and away the most dangerous state in this department and has been for as...
Have You Called Your Grandma Lately?
September is Intergeneration Month. We all know there is a wealth of knowledge to be gained from someone with different experiences from ours. Whether it be someone of a different culture, race or sexual orientation, by simply talking with someone, their experiences...
The Perils of Driving Uninsured
Driving an uninsured vehicle is illegal. Unless you’re in New Hampshire or Virginia, but let’s not muddy the waters. This is just a friendly reminder, because even in the other 48 states, more people than you’d think, do try to get by without auto...
Celebrate Insurance Awareness with a Day at the Ballpark on Us!
June 28 is National Insurance Awareness Day. At Horihan Insurance we are all about awareness. That is especially true when it comes to the members of the communities we serve being aware of the coverage that they have. And more importantly, we want you to be aware of...
Get On Your Bikes and Ride!, Part 2
Our last blog post was on motorcycle safety, so we thought it would follow nicely to talk a bit about bicycling. Even more so because May is National Bike Month. There are so many reasons why regular bike rides, alone or with others, are great. Here are just a few:...