Renewal is not just something that happens in springtime. The time for renewal can be, well, whenever your insurance policy comes due for renewal. If that happens to be in the springtime, all the better. Then you can stop and smell the roses on the way to your Horihan agent’s office, and you’ll hopefully leave with a policy containing the seed of a true renew, refresh, reboot for the coming year.
Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. It is still winter, after all.
Whenever you do renew your policy though, it is not just you agreeing to give us some of your money every month for another year. It is us renewing a pledge to do our best for you during that time, whatever may come. Doing our best for you starts with offering you the best policy that is available.
Does your insurance agent encourage yearly renewal meetings? Horihan Insurance does.
There are people out there – we hear things – who have had their insurance with the same agent for 15 years, and the day they signed their policy was the last time they have seen or spoken with their agent. Now first, that kind of arrangement does work for some people. Secondly, if it doesn’t, it is at least half the responsibility of the insured. But at Horihan Insurance we just don’t do business that way. We have long made it our policy to send letters to people with upcoming renewals reminding them of the many benefits of reviewing policies with us yearly. In 2021, we are again committing ourselves fully to making that connection with our insureds.
SIDE NOTE: If you happen to know that person who hasn’t seen or heard from their agent in 15 years, tell them about us. We’d like to show them something better.
Renewal time is a chance to tighten up some springs that have loosened over time, to replace some parts that are not serving their purpose to your best advantage, or removing parts that no longer serve a purpose at all. Or we could add some accessories that make your insurance package a whole new machine to protect you and your family.
Maybe that padlock on the door used to suffice, but you may feel better knowing you’ve got security cameras, alarms, and those crazy blue motion-detecting lasers that dart across the room at all kinds of crazy angles so when it comes to unwanted calamity, you can tell them “You shall not pass!”
The last two paragraphs were metaphors, of course, but our commitment to serving you to the best of our ability is very real. Give us a call. Let’s see what we can do.