Insurance can be a fascinating business. In many ways it is a strong indicator of human nature. Your agent can go over the major risk factors and the likelihood of them becoming applicable to you, but what an individual chooses to insure themselves for depends on what they feel puts them at risk – what keeps them up at night, what they fear.
Going into the Halloween season, we thought we’d take a look at a specialized insurance policy that speaks to that.
In 2002 the Royal Falcon Hotel in Suffolk, UK purchased insurance against injuries to patrons caused by a particularly surly resident ghost – that of a monk who was known to violently throw beer mugs in the hotel bar. This coverage came to be known as “Spooksafe” insurance.
Spooksafe insurance, along with being a sort of liability coverage for business owners, protects the victim of ghost, poltergeist, werewolf and vampire attacks in the event of damage to personal property, injury or death. And in case you were wondering, in the case of the werewolf coverage, it not only covers you in the event of injury but for all of the misfortune that may result from being turned into a werewolf.
Because being a werewolf is a deal breaker in so many ways now.
The policy may also cover encounters with Bigfoot (his name is actually Darryl) or alien abductions. There is even a luxury cruise line in Scotland which is insured for about $1.5 Million US in the eventuality of a collision with the Loch Ness Monster. Not traditional Halloween players, these ones, but certainly worthy of mention.
The policy averages about an $800 annual premium. Not bad, for what you get.
At last count, 60,000 people worldwide have purchased Vampire or Werewolf insurance and 40,000 carry a ghost insurance policy from Lloyd’s of London.
(Actually, that’s a misnomer. In the mainstream insurance world, “Ghost Insurance” is something else altogether, and something to read up on if you are planning to hire a contractor in the near future.)
Though Spooksafe insurance is terribly specialized, up to $1,000,000 may be paid out if it is proven the damage, injury, or death resulted from a supernatural attack. The famously haunted sea vessel, the Queen Mary, is insured for that amount, in case a guest is attacked by one of its many dearly-departed residents.
As for those who are out on the front line of the fight against ghosts, ghouls and goblins, Paranormal Investigator Liability insurance is widely available in the UK, Australia and other places, but it has not caught on in the USA. Why not is anybody’s guess. But if you do happen to be an aspiring Ghostbuster in one of the communities we serve, rest assured that your equipment (EVPs, ghost boxes, proton packs, ectoplasm detectors and even the Ectomobile) would likely be covered just like the trappings of any other business by a standard commercial insurance policy.
We’d like to be your commercial insurance agent. Give us a call today.
Happy Halloween!