There is an age-old rule of thumb that one should only eat oysters during months with an R in their name. So, September through April. As a matter of fact, if you Google “Months with an R in them” almost every result has something to do with the above-mentioned rule of thumb. Seems quite odd. Is that the only thing we associate with the time between September and April?
We at Horihan Insurance say there are a good number of other reasons this oysterful season is significant. For instance:
During this time, millions will start to really look at their health insurance options for the following year. There isn’t always much to discuss because there isn’t always much that changes. But sometimes there is, and like with any other insurance policy, it’s just best to periodically go over it to be sure yours still suits your current needs.
During these R-ful months, you may very well be thinking of the insurance coverage you have on your home to be ready for deep freeze season. Especially if you go away from home for significant chunks of time in the winter, you will want to be sure you have the right coverage while you are away.
For some of us, this time of year is all about the coverage we have on our snowmobiles. When it gets to be that time of year, snowmobilers tend to get a bit excited and overlook the most important thing which is making sure you have the coverage you need. You get out there for the first time and the snow is deep and fluffy, and the sun is glittering off the ice crystals and it’s enough to make anyone get a little carried away. But it’s no excuse not to have proper coverage on your sled.
It’s a time when millions are going away to college and thinking about:
* Their first renter’s insurance. Moving out of your parents’ house is an enormous step in life. Having your own place is a lot to look after, even if you don’t own it. It is a very common misconception that if you don’t own your home, you don’t need insurance on it. But you do. Because it’s not always about the box but what’s in it. You have stuff, don’t you? You need insurance on your stuff!
* Their own auto policy. Just like anything, when you’re out on your own, you may like to deal with your own agent with your own policy. If so, great, but first come in and talk with a Horihan agent to make sure you understand what you’ll need to know about managing that policy going forward.
* Perhaps their own medical insurance coverage. Many are electing to remain on their parents’ health insurance plan until they reach age 26. Some just want to handle it themselves or find something they feel is better for them than what their parents’ plan offers. Same thing. Come talk with a Horihan agent about what managing your own health insurance policy will entail.
What is the best time to reach out to Horihan Insurance about any and all of this? Any day that ends in Y. Okay well maybe not the ones that start with an S. Well, even on those days you can fill out a form on our website to initiate the process of getting a quote. So…
Anyway, once you’ve got the coverage you need, the world is your oyster. Couldn’t resist, not sorry.